About Mason Gear
November 27, 2010. I will not forget that day when I was raised to the sublime degree. I felt so proud to be one. To be amongst brothers gives me pride and joy. Helping our community is one of my passions. I am a proud Freemason. Much so that I would want to wear the square and compass everyday. But then, why is it so difficult to find something fresh and unique? I also wanted something that I could wear that would fit my mood. Whether it’s modern, contemporary or traditional. You see, I have a background in furniture design and based on my experience, different people have different tastes. Because of that, we customize our furniture with the needs and design in mind of our Clients. So I thought, why not come up with Free Mason clothing designs that are unusual and uncommon for different options? That was the birth of Mason Gear Shop. Started it off with some simple logo designs. Now I am excited to share that we have different original designs lined up for this year. We can also customize anything if you have a design in mind for you personally, for your business or for your Mother Lodge.
Backed with Masonic teachings, I practice the tenets of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. Brotherhood is trust. As simply put, our products are satisfaction guaranteed.
I am excited and honored to design and clothe men like you, who are of the finest character. A Master Mason.
Bro Joe